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Youth Ministry


We believe the body of Christ is more than just who is between our four walls. We are proud participants in the Fort Madison Community Students. FMCS is a collection of churches who've chosen to join Wednesday night youth groups together to better reach our Junior High and High-school students throughout the community. We meet every Wednesday night from 6:30 - 8:30. We flow between two facilities. Check our social media to stay up to date on which facility we are collecting at that Wednesday night. 

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Children's Director

Sarah Bogart

Kids get it. They understand enough to know what the love of God is, but they are innocent enough to really believe him when he says that his love is for them. I have dedicated my adult life to child education. I have a degree in both Early Childhood Development and Psychology. I have had the honor of serving in childcare for 12 years. I trully believe that discipleship starts at birth. Children deserve the best of us and here at Harvest we strive to provide them with just that, the best we have to offer. Not the after thought, but the investment. Knowing that the time we spend teaching them now will be a catalyst for world change in the future. 

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Common questions.

Is the nursery provided on Sunday morning and Wednesday night?

Children 4 and under are welcome in the little harvesters nursery. The nursery is located to the left of the sanctuary and is the first door on the left after the black and glass door. Pagers will be provided for each family to have direct contact with the nursery workers. 

Do the kids go to children's church right away or sit in service?

Kids 5 and older join us for worship in the main sanctuary. Once worship is over the speaker will pray over the kids and release them to children's church.

How do I get my child after service?

Children will wait at the black and glass door at the kid's wing entrance. Once their parent arrives your child will joyfully greet you with new stories to tell.

Where is the kid's room?

The kid's room is to the left of the sanctuary and through the black and glass door.

Do they eat during church?

On Sundays there is no snack. On Wednesday there is a dinner served before the lesson.

When is children's ministry and youth ministry available?

Wednesday nights (6:30-8:30pm) and Sunday mornings (10:45am -12).

Resources we love:
The Bible Project - Youtube
Superbook - Youtu
Gable Price and Friends - Music for teens

Lacrae - Music for teens


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